| 1. | Privileges and duties of the consultative status with ecosoc 特权义务普遍协商身份特别协商身份 |
| 2. | Are in consultative status with ecosoc 是是是 |
| 3. | Consultative status with economic and social council ( ecosoc ) , united nations 联合国经济及社会委员会( ecosoc )联合国经济及社会委员会( ecosoc ) |
| 4. | The economic and social council ecosoc of the united nations formally granted a special consultative status 联合国经济及社会理事会已于2003年4月正式给予本会特别协商身分。 |
| 5. | A special consultative status with ecosoc is more than just another international affiliation for our council 与联合国经济及社会委员会( ecosoc )特别协商身份,并非一般的国际联系。 |
| 6. | Rotary holds the highest consultative status with the un economic and social council ( ecosoc ) available to nongovernmental organizations 扶轮在联合国经济及社会理事会具有非政府组织所拥有的最高谘询地位。 |
| 7. | The ngo committee under the ecosoc has decided to make a recommendation to the ecosoc of granting a special consultative status to our council 社联与联合国经济及社会委员会( ecosoc )特别协商身份联合国经济及社会委员会 |
| 8. | Non - governmental , non - profit public or voluntary organizations may be admitted into a mutually beneficial working relationship with the united nations by attaining consultative status with the economic and social council ecosoc ”非政府、非盈利公营或义务组织,均可透过获得与联合国经济及社会委员会( ecosoc )的协商身份( consultativestatus ) ,与联合国建立互利的工作关系。 |
| 9. | The special consultative status shall facilitate us to keep abreast of the global social development agenda and concerns and to strengthen our international network with not only the united nations agencies , but also those international organizations having consultative status with it ,该协商身份将有助我们关注有关社会发展的最新国际议题,既可加强社联与联会国的联系,亦可加强我们与其他有协商身份的国际组织的联系 |